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Fasten your seatbelts it's going to be a fun ride

Friday, August 2, 2024


A few people now have asked why I have not written a blog post in a while.
My Peru ride was traumatic to say the least and I've not ridden since then.
However I have travelled. 

Leh Ladakh

North most point in India. 
Bordering China and Pakistan.
In the Himalayas range and near K2.
10,000+ feet.
Dry. Desert. Breezy. Beautiful.

This is the monastery in Leh overlooking the city.

I banged my head on more than one door sill of 
Hobbit sized doors, regardless of the warning signs.

This is the upper temple that you have to hike to. 
No car access. 10,000 feet. Good Luck.

What is striking is the altitude is above the tree line so it's barren and dry.
Except between where snow melt and natural springs bring water to the valleys.

Another serene location in Leh.

There is a picture later of the confluence. 
It is where two important rivers meet, one being the Indus.
Which India is named after.

I loved spinning these prayer wheels,
on the way to squat toilets with no TP. 

Another beautiful valley.

Through the window of yet another Buddhist temple.

Watchtower for a palace.

This is the government organization responsible for roads in India.
They also put the most hysterical roadside reminders to not kill yourself driving.

Here is the confluence I mentioned earlier. 
You can see the line in the water of the two different rivers meeting.

Instant coffee is common in India.
It's difficult to find brewed coffee, french press coffee or espresso.
This was a cute cafe that was called Cafe Au Leh. 
I felt nearly human after this....

And the two cows wreaking havoc with the local traffic 
in the street below was great entertainment. 

This is the 2nd highest motorable pass. 
I could barely breathe. 

Oh look, another Buddhist monastery and...

Nubra valley.

Complete with camels. 

Mom and two babies. 
We figured out later that they keep the camel families together. 

As you can see, my camel is super interested in Mom's camel.
And Mom's camel is super interested in Arka's camel. 
And Arka's camel is super interested in my camera. 

They kept the ride to 15 minutes which was just about enough.

Then we went to a very expensive hotel with spectacular views. 

An exceptional room....but intermittent power and Internet. 
PK. Grindle and Grund were OK with the heat.
Yes....that's Gin and Tonic on the shelf above the bed. 
Sans Ice. *SIGH*

Arka working in the library. 

I love ice. 
More than most people. 
When I travel and order ice, most places put, oh 1-3 ice cubes in lukewarm beverages.
No one has ice. 
It's positively maddening. 
Except Bodhi Tree hotel had huge cubed ice and I nearly fell out of my chair.

Got these cute little bowls to eat nuts in.
Souvenir of said very expensive hotel with 2 star infrastructure. 

We also did a trip to Calcutta and I got to see Arka's school when he was a kid.
Doesn't she look sneaky?

Then we got some family portraits and here are a couple.

Time to leave India. 
Via London to visit a friend. 
Meet Holly, the adorable one in the middle. 
Yes, that is a G&T with plenty of ice. 

And.....Sunday Roast!

B12 deficiency resolved.


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